Author Registration fees

These fees covers registration, conference participation  and access to all sessions.

All accepted papers will be submitted for publications in IEEE Xplore  after the conference.

All selected papers for ICCAIA further qualified for future advancement of work-done for Special Issues in reputable Journals and Book Chapters to be indexed in reputable places such as SCOPUS. Authors will be contacted in the future for submissions to these call for papers.

IEEE Copyright form and camera ready will only be opened for authors after payment. This will enable authors to submit their paper for publications.

NB: To have your final paper submission/ camera ready paper opened, send a scan copy of your payment receipt to the Chair at or or

Your final papers MUST be formatted to Manuscript Formatting according to IEEE paper format .

Full paper : $150 for early registration (Before or on 30th May 2024)

Full paper : $250 for Late registration (After 30th May 2024)

Full paper must be up to 6 pages maximum. Extra 2 pages is allowed but at a fee of $50 per page

Paper Type Pages Allowed Extra Pages Allowed Extra Pages Charge
Regular Papers 6 2 $50 per page

Certificate Awards  will be given to best presentations as well as Certificate of participation.


Option 1. Payment Visa Debit/Credit, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express etc.(EUR-GHS) 

Paper Registration This payment system takes GHS rate of the USD . Check conversion rate here USD $150 , USD $250 ,

1 Paper (6 pages) USD$150 / GHS 1,950Pay

1 Paper (7 pages) USD$150 / GHS 2,560 Pay

1 Paper (8 pages) USD$250 / GHS 3,200 Pay

Option 2. Bank Deposit/Transfer (EUR)

NB: Dollar or Ghana Cedi equivalent can be paid into the same account below. For exchange rate calculation use here

Bank Account Details : 

Branch: University of Cape Coast, UCC

Bank Name: Zenith Bank 

Account Holder: CRITAC

Account No: 6011406408


Bank Address: Casford Street, UCC New Site, Near Casford Hall, Cape Coast 12345, Cape Coast, Ghana
